Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day

So yesterday was my FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I'm not going to lie to you, I was going to get my hubby to take my first day of school picture for the blog and I was going to tell you what an amazing day I had as a born again college student. Because you know; like we discussed yesterday, I was  getting a great night of sleep, gonna wake up, get all my online work done, take a test to exempt my Research class so I got the credit but didn't have to take it. RB was going to be home from work before 5 like he discussed with his boss, I was leaving FAR with him, gonna get in my shinny Kia (who's name is Mia) and drive to school with a smile on my face. 

I wish. Let's talk about what really happened shall we? 

I did get a great night of sleep, but Fletch woke up so sick with a horrid cold. So I jump on the computer while RB gets ready for work and feeds Fletch breakfast and I decide, hey I have time to do my super important test before RB leaves. They give me a hour but yeah.. i'm way smarter than that and I can fly through it... 

That test kicked my butt. I failed. So who will be taking Research this semester? Yours truly. and that is a lesson learned to me that I do not know everything, I can't do it all, and I am not superwoman.  Thanks Jesus. Good lesson... 

I was so angry at myself and I took it allll out on RB. (Who's a horrible wife? *raises hand*) After giving him the 3rd degree as he walked out the door to go to work, I sent him a text telling him something along the lines of thanks for not supporting me (not true) and we got into a huge fight. He called me from work and basically told me he was right and I was wrong. He does support me. He tried to help me twice before he left. and that if I didn't appreciate him, I could do it all by myself he wasn't helping anymore. 

And you know what bloggy friends? That was exactly what I needed to hear. I'm gonna say this once so listen carefully because I don't say this a lot... 

He was right. I deserved it.  

After that moment I turned off the computer. I spent the rest of the afternoon with my baby guy. Trying to teach him to color red. Playing blocks. Tickling his pigs. Then and there I decided a few things... 

If FAR needs me, he will get me. If he is not asleep, or playing with his dad, my computer will be off. I will be spending time with my son.

It's all about balance. I've got to find the right time to get my school work done, get things done around the house, spend time with my family, and sleep.

Anyway, back to my day. So then RB text's me his schedule and I realize he gets off at 6 not before 5. So thank God for my sister I can take FAR to her on my way to school. 

So no first day of school pictues for you, in fact, after yesterday, no pictures at all. I feel like i've been hit by a bus. I am so mentally exausted I could scream. This is why your getting a rambling babbling long blog post... 

But it's from my heart. and that counts for something right? 

PS- Mia the Kia wasn't shiny at all... she was totally dirty. 


Michelle said...

Best Friend. I love you. I said big prayers for you ... if you need anything I am always right here. And BTW... it's ok to feel like you do. I use to beat myself for feeling that way but I have come to learn that it's totally normal.

Jess said...

Tomorrow will be better! I mean it was a Monday...

Chin up, my friend!

Carly said...

Aw, hugs! It was one of those days!! We all have them! Hope today is better!


Jackie said...

hey girl, I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award :)

Go to the blog post to find out more

Tales of Beauty For Ashes said...

Major UG! I am so sorry, but it seems like you learned a lot of good lessons. Prise the Lord that He worked it all out. Think about it this way...it can only get better from here!