In My Opinion....
When Rachel @ lala Lists emailed me and asked me to link up with her, I couldn't refuse! So here are just a few of my opinions. (Please remember that it's exactly that, an opinion. Everyone has one. These just happen to be mine :)
1)this is the cutest little boy in the entire world
2) new episodes of Grey's Anatomy need to come on everyday. #mcdreamyissomcyummy
3) Algebra is the stupidest subject. You use letters in English, not in math
5) pink is the prettiest color around
6) people should have to take a written exam before they are aloud to procreate
7) this man hung the moon:
8) everyone should go to at least one bonfire during the fall season
9) reese's pumpkins and trees taste better than regular reeces
10) everyone should have a church family they are plugged into
11) naps are a necessity not a luxury
12) chocolate makes the world go round. my world anyway
13) e-mailing sweet bloggers like Brin and Tiff make me smile
14) bloggers that link up to a link up just to be first are selfish. I hate going to a blog to expect a link up and it not be there
15) politics are personal: that's why voting takes place in a booth-for-one
16) everyone who reads this should go enter this giveaway for a new personalized #Maybook