So I got this idea from Amanda @ Bringing up Allie to interview my hubby for the blog. (by the way- she's hosting an awesome Thirty One giveaway! Go check it out!) I thought it was a cute idea. And you should try it too.. you will get lots of laughs!!
Ok what was the first thing you noticed about me?
It looked like you'd been stuck out in the rain all day (I guess i'm going to have to post about the day we met so I can defend myself on that one)
What is your favorite memory of us?
humm.. favorite memory about us... probally the time you didn't think Santa Clause was coming and you almost stepped on the Kays boxes on the floor under the tree.
humm.. favorite memory about us... probally the time you didn't think Santa Clause was coming and you almost stepped on the Kays boxes on the floor under the tree.
What song best describes me?
"Baby Got Back" ... I love you.
I'm not putting that on my blog pick another one.
What is my best feature?
You don't want to put that on your blog.
Seriously. Non Sexual
Your Personality
Do you like my blog?
I don't dislike it.
I don't dislike it.
Complete this sentence: I make you laugh when....
When I really make you mad and you make that evil face. It makes me laugh on the inside becaues you look goofy.
What would you miss most about me had we NEVER met?
Fletcher, Texting, Facebook
(I put Randell into the 21st Century.)
When did you know I was "The one"?
The night of our first kiss. It was the kiss. I just knew it wasn't gonna get any better from there.
Our First Picture together. My 24th birthday
A day at the gun range
Ice Skating
Dave and Busters... Our first double date
Our Wedding Day
Our honeymoon
My fav. pic of him and Fletch
Thanks babe.. I love you & i'm so thankful for you!

I love RB , he makes me laugh. BUT i love him because he loves you and takes such good care of you. :)
Hahaha! Baby Got Back - guys think they are so funny...
Visiting from the GFC Blog Hop! Super cute blog! Love this post! Too fun!
haha that is totally how my hubbs would answer some of those too! great idea!
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